On Being a Woman

A woman is a person who was born unto herself. A woman is that which all human beings are born, whether inventors and geniuses, writers and astronauts, judges and Presidents, but even foolish men and women. You cannot “identify” as a woman any more then I can identify as a black or an Asian, anymore than you can identify as a bird or tree, a flower or the sea. You can pretend to be anything or anyone you want but you will never be anything then that which you were born to be. And if you try, well, no one is more the full than thee.

Being a woman is learning to be strong and wise. It is about respecting your body as it is about finding your authentic self – and not your ego.

Being a woman is having integrity with the self and all the roles you might take on. Being a daughter first and foremost, and perhaps a sister or an aunt, a niece, and one day becoming a mother and then a grandmother or a great-aunt.

Being a woman is finding the path you will go on as a woman. Listening to the teacher and to your inner voice. Finding that which you are most passionate about and setting goals. Honoring yourself by attending college or going down an adult career path.

Being a woman is being honest with the world around you and not ashamed of the body you were born into. There is no shame in being born a woman.

Being a woman is being a lover, a patriot, a voter, a friend, a guiding hand, a values setter.

Being a woman is having good morals and boundaries. Setting an example and being a good role model.

Being a woman is taking care of the feminine within but even nurturing the masculine as well. We are both yin/yang and must take care to respect both aspects of our self.

Being a woman is looking outside of yourself and respecting the world around you.

Being a woman is finding your spiritual devotion to that which you believe, whatever it is whether dogma or not.

Being a woman is nurturing your mental and emotional state of mind. Finding joy in having a healthy and whole body.

Being a woman is being what you were born to be, being proud of this and treating yourself to life and all the lessons that you will find along the way.

Being a woman is happiness if you respect and honor yourself, your values, your beliefs, your culture, your race, your family and friends.

Being a woman is loving yourself.

If  you try to be anyone but yourself, you become an imposter, a liar, a deceiver, and no one is harmed more than you harm yourself.

1 thought on “On Being a Woman

  1. Thank you, Jeannine. Such a wonderful heartfelt look at what a woman truly is. I agree that we harm ourselves, more than anyone else can/will in this lifetime, when we deny any part of who we really are.

    I feel bad for those who are so young they haven’t even had a chance to discover who they really are in this world.

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